11. What are Updates Even?
Hello everyone. World's worst blogger reporting in. My life's been fairly busy and my painting spree is still kicking in full force. To top things off, my parsnips have been growing beautifully on my farm in Stardew Valley. All of this combines into massive neglect into my little project here. Let's pick up with a State of the Faction Address based on my experience at the WTC. The lists I ran were Vyros2 with Helios and Imperatus paired with Elara2 triple halbs. People often look towards tiers, or power rankings, or quantifiable lists to compare factions to one another and to see where stand within the meta as a whole. While I’m not the biggest fan of this method, I do feel like Retribution held a solid position somewhere right in the middle of the pack. We can look at a few core concepts of competitive WMH and how they relate to us as Retribution players. The Pairing. I liked my pair for the WTC, but I didn’t love it. Vyros2 continues to...