
Showing posts from July, 2017

4. List Focus - Vyros2, The Incissar of the Dawnguard

One of my most played and all time favorite warcasters has seen competitive play since his release, and shows no signs of slowing down in Mk3.  He is the poster boy of House Nyarr, born into privilege and leveraging that hard for both his personal gains and that of the Retribution.  Vyros2 is defined by his Synergy spell which allows you to ramp up the attack and damage rolls of your battlegroup to +3/+3 and high base stats that make him durable and capable of getting work done even towards the later turns of the game. Here’s a look at the list in it’s present form: Theme: Forges of War Vyros2, Incissar of the Dawnguard - Helios - Imperatus - Griffon - Griffon - Griffon - Griffon - Aspis House Shyeel Arcanists - Soulless Escort House Shyeel Artificer (free) Arcanist Mechanik (free) Arcanist Mechanik (free) This list has been freshly modified to adjust for the changes in SR17 with the addition of the Shyeel unit. Early playtests have been...

3. SR 2017 and What I Think About It.

With Lock and Load fondly behind us, we’re ramping up and getting ready to tackle the latest incarnation of the Steamroller format.  2017 brings about some of the most significant changes we’ve seen since the inception of organized play in WMH.  Spoiler alert: overall the changes are very positive. The exact changes are available in the packet itself, but let's take a look at some of the highlights: Winning by 5 MORE Control Points than your opponent.  Excellent change here as it makes hard control casters significantly less punishing to the game and makes for an overall better play experience.  There are lots of scoring opportunities in every scenario and as long as you are taking advantage of them, you can grit through a particularly bad turn in hopes to rebound on attrition late game. With the soft increase in CP requirements came a huge influx of scenario elements as well as a reduction in the total available scenarios.  A simple D6 and you’re g...

2. Rocky Mountain Rumble - It’s Safer in the Killbox

Vyros2, Incissar of the Dawnguard - Forges of War - Griffon x5 - Aspis - Imperatus - Helios - Shyeel Magister - Arcanist Mechanik x3 Lord Arcanist Ossyan - Discordia - Moros Max Strikers + Commander Max Strikers + Eiryss3 Max Halberdiers + Officer and Standard + Soulless Lady Aiyana and Master Holt Houseguard Thane Arcanist Mechanik Battle report time!  I scrubbed out of another WMW qualifier, but had a great friggin time and played fairly well regardless.  These guys put on a really great event and highly recommend it to those of you looking to travel. Round 1 - Outlast Vyros2 vs Sloan (Chris G) W Was disappointed to see this scenario come out so early.  My opponent had Haley3/Sloan and I felt really confident with Vyros2 into both.  I can grind them out and don’t need to rely on scenario to squeak out a win.  Outlast is really live and Retribution performs really well on it, particularly with Ossyan.  This game was ...

1. Hi I’m Mike and What is This?

Welcome to the latest incarnation of Vicarious Competition.  The loss of the faction forums has left a void in the community that I’m hoping I can help fill.  There was a lot of toxicity wiped out in PP’s culling, but there was some solid information lost to the player base as well.  This new blog will provide my own personal insights and observations into the world of competitive Warmachine played at the highest level, strictly through the eyes of The Retribution. Who am I? I’m a Warmachine player based out of Philadelphia that plays weekly out of my home store Redcap’s Corner.  I missed out on the Mk1 mayhem, but started playing with Retribution back in 2011 and haven’t looked back since.  Those were darker days before Retribution was as well fleshed out as the other existing factions in the game.  Winning was possible, but it certainly wasn’t easy.  I enjoy the competitive nature of Warmachine and am always looking for ways to improve.  ...