1. Hi I’m Mike and What is This?

Welcome to the latest incarnation of Vicarious Competition.  The loss of the faction forums has left a void in the community that I’m hoping I can help fill.  There was a lot of toxicity wiped out in PP’s culling, but there was some solid information lost to the player base as well.  This new blog will provide my own personal insights and observations into the world of competitive Warmachine played at the highest level, strictly through the eyes of The Retribution.

Who am I?
I’m a Warmachine player based out of Philadelphia that plays weekly out of my home store Redcap’s Corner.  I missed out on the Mk1 mayhem, but started playing with Retribution back in 2011 and haven’t looked back since.  Those were darker days before Retribution was as well fleshed out as the other existing factions in the game.  Winning was possible, but it certainly wasn’t easy.  I enjoy the competitive nature of Warmachine and am always looking for ways to improve.  I travel often to as many events as I can to dive into new metas and meet new people.

What started as a casual game with some of my buddies in college quickly grew into something much bigger.  I attended my first major convention roughly a year after my journey began and that is what snowballed into where I am today.  The competition and gaming itself is one thing, but the friends you make and beers you drink along the way are what keep me coming back year after year.  Warmachine has become a huge part of my life in a lot of ways, and I’m excited to share some of my experiences with you all.

What is this?
My goal is to provide a direct link into my thoughts and opinions on various layers of Retribution and competition in general.  Most articles will be unrefined, with some structured tactica sprinkled in.  That being said, I would love to engage with everyone on an individual level as well and strongly encourage comments and discussion within my posts.  Ask questions and let me know what you think!  

For now, I’ll group articles based on their content, and do my best to keep them indexed and well organized so that they can be easily accessed.  I’m cautiously optimistic that I’ll be able to put up one article per week.  The website is a work in progress, so expect it to get prettier as time goes on.

Can I steal your articles and put them on my site?
Yes!  Feel free to repost, link, however you like.  Make sure I get credit though!  Put my name real big all over that shit and link back to the original page.  Also make sure you get in touch with me preferably on Facebook to let me know so I can feel like a big man when my content is plastered all over the internet.

Can we hang out?

Also yes!  If you see me at a big convention come over and say hi!  The Warmachine community is absolutely fantastic, and easily the best part about playing this game.  We can talk about Retribution in person and or just regular stuff and it’ll be great.  You might feel a bit awkward walking up to a stranger (me) and striking up a conversation just because you read my blog, but that’s OK! Bring me a beer or a shot and introduce yourself and we'll immediately be best friends. ;)


  1. Hey Mike, long time fan, as a Ret player (exclusively) since before Wrath dropped I've been hoping one of our faction's best would finally start their own blog for some time now!

    Since you invited possible topics for future posts, here are some points I would like to see covered at least:

    An ultimate, in-depth primer into what you nominated as "The" Retribution list at the present, aka Vyros 2 Forges. Model choices, deployment guide, scenarios, what list to pair it with, tips and tricks during a game, the whole shebang.

    A guide of sorts to Ret list pairing, including what considerations you make during the list creation process (do you favor asking hard questions of the opponent with one list and solving the weaknesses of the first like with a second for example).

    Lastly, I'm getting back into competitive Warmachine after a sizable break and am finding it difficult to locate any kind of competitive play optimization tricks. Issues such as how to best deploy then move infantry as to not block line of sight to each other, or avoid blast damage. How to pressure with infantry/warjacks while staying out of charge ranges. Stuff that seems really basic, but for the life of me I can't find a single example or diagram of this stuff anywhere!

    Of course, anything you put out will be much appreciated, thanks for taking the time to set this all up, I'll be looking forward to whatever you put out!

    1. Thanks so much for the input mystery guest! I'll be taking these into consideration and work them into the blog as I can.

      Diagrams are an interesting proposal that I've not seen elsewhere. Best I think I could muster would be some ms paint garbage, but I'll play around with the idea...


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