6. Retribution ADR And Is It Even Good?

This season’s ADR gifts us with a questionable stable of Warcasters to try and cobble together into a pair: Magister Helynna; Lord Ghyrrshyld4, The Forgiven; Thyron, Sword of Truth; and Dawnlord Vyros1.  This feels like one of our least exciting Active Duty Rosters since the program’s inception, but I feel like it’s still workable.

The frustrating problem of this season’s ADR is not as simple as the lack of strong casters, but more focused on the lack of a strong pairing.  There is a tremendous amount of overlap in Battlegroup diversity, spell kits, and overall functionality/gameplan of what we have to work with.

We can start by looking at the two obvious power picks:  Helynna and Vyros1.  Both are very competitive warcasters that have seen consistent play in Mk3 and have the tools you need to place well in an event.  The catch is you only get one of them to work with.  Reason being the overlap in what they do.  Both warcasters want to run a heavy, resilient battlegroup.  They’re stacking armor and myrmidons and want to be able to out-grind your opponent to the bitter end.  Helynna is typically a much slower list with moderate shooting support, with Vyros1 being a much faster option with slightly less durability.

Vyros1 I was surprised to find works very well in Shadows of the Retribution theme (pretend we didn’t talk about this later when I complain about how terrible the theme is).  Two min units of Infiltrators partnered with Spears of Scyrah give you a really flexible and dynamic infantry to support a healthy dose of Griffons with Imperatus being your cherry on top.  Helynna is going to be best with a Dawnguard theme, but will likely have to settle for Defenders of Ios in the meantime.  Avoid Forges of War with either of these casters.  It’s a trap theme list that’s going to get you in trouble due to lack of meaningful infantry options.

With our first list locked in, we’re left scrambling to fill in our second list.  Both Thyron and Goreshade are much softer warcasters that are incredibly complex to build an army around.  They both can do personal work and have a much more subtle way of supporting their armies. You’ll want to lean heavier on infantry options to pair against your battlegroup heavy first list.  Ghyrrshyld4 is likely the stronger option even though his feat hurts my heart every time I read it ToT.  Thyron is generally very good and gained a huge boost in viability with the release of the Fane Guardian.

I’ve discussed some list ideas with Thyron in a House Shyeel Podcast a few weeks ago, and there really isn’t a consensus on what to do with this poor guy.  Defenders with a single unit of Ellowuyr Swordsmen is a great package and the only situation where these beautiful models can comfortably hit the table.  Losing the Shyeel Artificer is really significant, but more careful play with Thyron himself and adjustments to list selection at the start of the game should be able to make up for this.  Ghyrrshyld4 is going to LOVE the Nyss theme when it comes out.  Reviving Tough and Steady Ryssovass Defenders is some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing Warmachine.  Until then, he’s likely relegated to Defenders of Ios as well.  Both casters can probably get by with minimal battlegroups of double Banshee or some such thing.  Don’t give into the artificial hype surrounding Shadows of the Retribution.  Stop trying to make Shadows happen, it isn’t going to happen.  Stick with Defenders until we get something better.

This is a tough ADR for sure, and there’s nothing exciting about it, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say we’re doomed in the format.  If forced to choose a pair I think I would go with Vyros1 and Ghyrrshyld4.  I had great success with them at Nerdvana and with some competitive adjustments the pair can really shine.  Vyros1 never really stopped being good and the speed of his list is going to catch people off guard.  Ghyrrshyld4 is more of a work in progress, but has lots of neat little tools that keep him interesting to play.


  1. "Don’t give into the artificial hype surrounding Shadows of the Retribution. Stop trying to make Shadows happen, it isn’t going to happen. Stick with Defenders until we get something better."

    LOL for a moment it felt like you were talking directly at me. Haha I keep cycling back to shadows w/ Ghyrrshyld like a desperate lover backsliding to his ex thinking things will be different this time.

  2. Great job Mike. Very good textx, simple and easy to understand. You'd make a good teacher!! (coming from a cop AND a teacher!!)

  3. Hey Mike,

    What do you think about Vyros 1 in defenders? Running double halbs?

    1. So I think you could make it work if you wanted to run Vyros1. Hilariously enough I like him a little better in Shadows theme. Neither are super optimized for him at the moment.


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