13. You’ve Got Questions, I’ve Got Answers
Necrotyr18 asks: What do you think of allowing cross house unit or solo choices similar to other factions allowing one merc/minion unit and solo in their lists? Would that allow for the flexibility needed in Ret while still staying flavorful? This is a change I’ve been preaching for a long time and I hope we get to have a discussion with the devs about it in CiD. A big problem with the fundamentals of Ret Themes is the lack of Merc options that the rest of the factions allow for. Limited Release Factions were built with a specific direction in mind and don’t need to worry about this restriction as much. Ret was built to have access to all of its options available at once and Theme Forces just don’t appropriately account for that. My favorite example is Cygnar’s Son’s of the Tempest Theme as a direct comparison to Shadows of the Retribution. Both themes have a large amount of low POW, low ARM models that perform in specialized roles. Cygnar has the option to bring ...