13. You’ve Got Questions, I’ve Got Answers

Necrotyr18 asks: What do you think of allowing cross house unit or solo choices similar to other factions allowing one merc/minion unit and solo in their lists? Would that allow for the flexibility needed in Ret while still staying flavorful?

This is a change I’ve been preaching for a long time and I hope we get to have a discussion with the devs about it in CiD.  A big problem with the fundamentals of Ret Themes is the lack of Merc options that the rest of the factions allow for. Limited Release Factions were built with a specific direction in mind and don’t need to worry about this restriction as much.  Ret was built to have access to all of its options available at once and Theme Forces just don’t appropriately account for that. My favorite example is Cygnar’s Son’s of the Tempest Theme as a direct comparison to Shadows of the Retribution. Both themes have a large amount of low POW, low ARM models that perform in specialized roles.  Cygnar has the option to bring a unit of Forgeguard to add a high quality hammer to an otherwise pillowy list that they often take advantage of when using this theme. Retribution has no such options.

Timotej and Michal ask about Vyros2 and what exactly we could do with him.

Vyros2 is a good example of when developers design themselves into a corner.  Synergy in Mk2 when Vyros2 was originally released was a VERY strong spell. The +3/+3 cap didn’t exist, and his kit was built around not having this limitation.  Mk3 simply saw a nerf to the spell, without a strong enough push to expand Vyros2’s other options. Veteran Leader on a warcaster model is already difficult to use, and it buffs an already high accuracy unit.  In mk2 Fearless was basically useless on a Ld 10 unit with a banner for rerolls. Vyros2 simply wants nothing to do with infantry. It definitely feels like the design team wants him to support a more mixed force of Dawnguard, but his rules simply aren’t ambitious enough.  A “suicide feat” that requires you to lose pieces is definitely not something you get excited about when using high quality/cost models like Dawnguard. Vyros2 still runs myrmidons well, but that’s about all he does. His infantry don’t care at all about anything else on the card, which makes him one-directional and a bit uninspiring to play.  He’s still a great warcaster, and a strong one at that. He just isn’t as flexible as he should be.

Elias and Will ask about expected legacy models to change.

Destors and the Thane are  a given, but given how hellbent PP is on keeping the Lance rule, I wouldn’t get too excited over them.  Their opening move is going to be stat buffs which might get them on the table, but doesn’t address their fundamentals.

Invictors need a reason to exist in a world of Sentinels.

Ryssovass are amazing, I need to get a second unit!

Mage Hunter Strikers might see the light, but their issues are a little too complex for an emergency CiD in my opinion.  They got layers of nerfs in the ways of Arcane Assassin, Phantom Seeker, and losing Kiss of Lyliss. There’s a number of different directions you could go to bring them back in line.

Ellowuyr Swordsmen were a hard miss.  Even Thyron has trouble making these idiots work.  Higher armor, lower points, a UA that actually does something.  Lots of options for improvement here.

Houseguard Riflemen could use some love, same with Stormfall Archers and Vyre Electromancers.  Units like these just aren’t stacking up with the level of power creep we’re seeing. Satyxis Gunslingers  with the options of Severa to support just run circles around these guys.

Goreshade4.  The man needs a feat.  While I don’t love his spell loadout, I certainly don’t hate it either.  Why he has one of the worst feats in the game I don’t understand. Actual garbage.  PPpls

The big changes I expect to see are the Themes themselves.  I’m hoping to see every single one of them up on the table for minor tweaks here and there.

Truthfully, the majority of our units are in a really good place.  We were top cut in early Mk3, and the only thing that’s changed since them have been the Theme Forces.  If we can push for some thoughtful consideration of how Ret themes should look instead of facerolling through based on unit types, I think we can go right back to where we used to be.


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