Monster Tactics: Cthugrosh

Welcome back everyone to the ongoing Monster Tactics series where I break down each monster to look at their strengths and weaknesses. In addition to my weekly blog posts, I'm looking into producing some recorded content for you to enjoy, so expect to see that in the near future!

Cthugrosh: Complexity Rating 2/3

Cthugrosh is a support monster that embodies the most sacred tenet of the Lords of Cthul: to ensure your opponent does not have a fun time. Cthugrosh has fairly middling stats across the board, but brings some serious board control to the fight in both Alpha and Hyper forms. Summon, Summon, and Summon some more!

The strongest element to this Monster is its ability to spawn in an extra unit each turn, typically a Meat Slave that will turn into a second Cthul unit later. This interaction lets Cthugrosh create some of the most powerful unit screens in the game by “double screening” with these discounted Meat Slaves.

Telekinesis is your final defining ability that will allow you to clear out most enemy screens. While not as powerful as the straight removal of the Ares Mothership, there are still opportunities to toss enemies into hazard tiles as the city gets destroyed.

Sacrifice (affectionately known as Snackrifice) is an Alpha exclusive special ability that not only heals Cthugrosh, but also is one of the very few rules in the game that allow you to remove friendly units off the table that may have gotten in your way. This easy access to healing make it worthwhile to send Cthugrosh in first and take a hit or two before retreating to swap places with your second Monster and spend a few turns healing up before closing out the fight.

Carefully dictate when Cthugrosh goes into Hyper, because you lose the ability to heal from Sacrifice. Regardless of exactly when you make the transition, the Summoning never stops! At this stage you should be summoning every single turn unless you're using Telekinesis to do some serious damage to enemy Monsters. This powerful screening and unit advantage will help to win the board control and damage races towards the end of the game. This advantage gets pressed even further with the Terrify ability that makes melee assaults on Cthugrosh from units like Carnidons completely useless. Beware of “Super Flings” from a combined melee attack on a nearby unit to circumvent Terrify. Icing on the cake is an upgraded Blast attack: Range increases to 5 and the addition of Fling gives Cthugrosh some great flexibility in his late game Unit destruction.

Retinue: Meat Slave, Meat Slave, Taskmaster, Taskmaster, Squix
The Summoning ability makes Cthugrosh synergize particularly well with same-faction Units. You'll want 2-3 Meat Slaves to be your primary summon targets with ~2 Taskmasters and a few Squix to spawn out after they get destroyed. Because Summon is already giving you such a steep discount, the Void Gate is less desirable in in your list due to stronger options being available. Instead reach for Buildings that enhance your mediocre mobility like Mount Terra and the Industrial Complex. You can also include disruptive tech such as the Imperial State Building and a Shadow Sun Industries package to further disrupt enemy resources in true Cthul fashion.

Recommended Pairings: Deimos-9, Hammerklak, Gorghadra

Deimos-9 is incredibly strong with Cthugrosh due to Grappler adding further complexity to the placement puzzle you'll be presenting to your opponent. This makes your screens even more effective at stopping alignments and can cause fits for your opponent at all stages of the game. Deimos-9's beefier Hyper form also makes up for the lack of stat increases Cthhugrosh will get in his in the late game. Speaking of Beefy Hyper forms, Hammerklak has the freedom to run rampant when paired with Cthugrosh. The ability to protect your Monsters on the approach and remove screens easily allows for a pure beat stick like Hammerklak to pair very well. Gorghadra is a strong Monster to pair for identical reasons. Bring Gorghadra instead if you find yourself struggling to maintain Power Dice generation late game, or find yourself frustrated trying to rely on Crunch for super damage. Honorable mention goes to the Ares Mothership for full tilt Unit screening and screen busting. Doubling down on support Monsters can be really challenging, however, as neither of these will gain extra output in their Hyper forms.

Please keep the great feedback coming! Next week I'm going to discuss strategies involving the Shadow Suns Industry Building. I want to help you guys understand the intricacies of what these buildings do and how to play into them so they aren't such a nightmare in the meta. See you next time!


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